Optometrist vs Ophthalmologist: What's the Difference?

There are multiple roles or titles among those providing vision care. Two of them are popularly called eye doctors: optometrists and ophthalmologists. The roles differ in their training and the range of services they provide, but they also overlap and often work together, whether in the same office or on a referral basis. This article describes their similarities and differences and suggests when you might choose to see one or the other. If you live in or near Lewisville, TX, and the surrounding areas, and are looking for an eye doctor near you, consider contacting our team at Brecheen Learning & Vision Center.

Similarities and Differences in Services

Optometrists and ophthalmologists overlap some services since both perform vision and diagnostic testing, prescribe corrective lenses, and can provide various therapeutic services. While optometrists can  prescribe medications, ophthalmologists are licensed to both prescribe medications and perform surgery.

For patients, optometrists are often considered the first option for primary vision care, including comprehensive vision testing, corrective lenses, fitting contact lenses, and various forms of vision therapy. Optometrists often refer patients to ophthalmologists when their patients have more complex vision issues that may require surgery or advanced treatment related to medical conditions such as diabetes.

For example, the two specialties often collaborate on LASIK treatments, with an ophthalmologist performing the surgery while an optometrist providing a consultation to make sure the patient is a good candidate. Ultimately, the decision to see an optometrist or optometrist often depends on how the individual’s specialized training and experience match your needs.

Get Eye Care and Optometrist Services from an Eye Doctor Near You

If you live in or near Lewisville, TX, and the surrounding areas, and are looking for an eye doctor near you, contact us at Brecheen Learning & Vision Center. Dr. Breechen, OD works with school-aged children and adults who struggle with behavior and learning due to vision issues. Call us at (972) 221-2564 for eye care from an optometrist near you.

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